Facebook CEO testifies in front of parliamentary committee


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify in front of a congressional committee on privacy-related scandals that shake up network companies. This society.The parliamentary committee on energy and trade announced on Wednesday that Zuckerberg will testify on April 11 to provide The answer lies with British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which has received millions of Facebook users data that can be used to Have the influence The level of the voters in the United States. President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign has rented the company for nearly $ 6 million. Greg Walden, chairman of the Democratic Party of Parliament and Democrat Party, Frank Pallone, said the trial is hoping to help explain the issue of privacy. Users of Facebook, as well as helping Americans to better understand what happened to their personal information. Their body on the internet Too. "Zuckerberg's testimony came after senior Facebook staff did not answer questions during the meeting. Privacy with staff about the use and protection of social network Facebook users by Facebook and other software developers A third party.

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