Mr. Tram plans to deploy troops on the border with Mexico to hinder immigrants.


US President  Donald Trump told reporters Tuesday that the troops would be sent to the US borders with Mexico to interrupt immigration. Illegal.
In response to a question from a journalist in the White House's eastern room, the president said: "I Understand that this is what we have to do. "
The president and several cabinet members, including Defense Minister James Mattis, Minister of Homeland Security Kirsten Nielsen and Justice Minister Jeff Sessions also listened briefly on Tuesday to look at his administration's strategy.
Discussions include the mobilization of the National Guard and the need to pressure the US Congress to approve Immediately a draft law to shut down the legal loopholes that have been exploited by criminals , Terrorists trafficking drugs and smuggling organizations.
The US Department of Defense responded to Mr. Tram's plan to use troops to guard the border.

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