Prime Minister of Cambodia ​Kantha Bopha Cambodia will be available in April

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Hun Sen, who is attending the ASEAN-Australia Summit, announced that the new funding, Kantha Bopha Cambodia Children's Fund, Will be launched in April to fund additional funds from Dr. Beat Richner's existing funds.Phnom Penh -
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen speaks at a Khmer Citizens' Meeting in Australia on Saturday. For sustaining Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital will be able to operate before the Khmer New Year festival so that the child's hospital can continue to operate. At its peak Dr. Beat Richner is not present, according to a press release issued by the local news organization, Posted on Richner's Facebook account.
News of the Freshnews, a government-affiliated organization, posted on Dr Richner's Facebook account Monday Hun Sen meets with Cambodians living in Australia and New Zealand in Sydney In the meeting, Mr. Hun Sen announced the rally Fund for the support of Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital, called "Kantha Bopha Cambodia", will be available on April 11 for the hospital. That would cost about $ 40 million a year.
Prime Minister Hun Sen said this:
"If planned, unchanged, April 11, before the Khmer New Year, we will announce the launch of the Implementation Launch. The Kantha Bopha Foundation in Cambodia is a big help for Kantha Bopha's hospitalization. "
Mr. Hun Sen said that the new fund would provide Kantha Bopha's financial support in addition to its funding. Dr. Rach Chandra.
"There is a Kantha Bopha Foundation that Dr. Rach Chandra has created overseas and we have the Kantha Bopha Foundation in our country that we collect Our national resources help this hospital, which costs a year at Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital. More than 40 million. "
Prime Minister Hun Sen, who attended the ASEAN-Australia summit in Australia, claimed he was the honorable president The Fund.
Dr. Boer Ritchie, 71, founder of the Kantha Bopha Humanitarian Hospital, has helped make Kantha Bopha Hospital operates in Phnom Penh in 1992 after the hospital was wiped out in the war.
Rick Chhay was seriously ill in March 2017. Medical staff at the hospital could not confirm Rick's disease at the time.
Over 25 years, more than 12 million children have received treatment from the Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital, which has five locations In the country, the figures range from 1992 to March 2017.
According to the latest figures of Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital, more than 80,000 Cambodian children were brought to the clinic and children More than 10,000 severely disabled patients were admitted to the hospital, a figure cited from the 21st. January to 21st, 2018 at Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital.
On 1 March 2018, Prime Minister Hun Sen officially signed the Kantha Bopha Foundation to continue its operations. The operation of the hospital is not to be overlooked by the absence of Dr. According to the Freshnews news agency, which has a tendency to favor the Cambodian government.
Dr Rach Chand was sent to Kantha Bopha Hospital in Cambodia between 1974 and 1975 by the Red Cross After the war, in December 1991, the Cambodian government asked him to rebuild and administer Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital Destroyed Wartime.

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